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Sardinian olive wood cigar cutter: the must-have for every cigar lover

Imagine relaxing with a good cigar in hand. The flavor is rich and enveloping, the smoke is dense and aromatic. But how to cut the cigar the right way?

A good cigar cutter is essential to getting the most out of your cigar. It must be sharp, durable and easy to use.

The Sardinian cigar cutter in olive wood by Coltelli Artigianali Manca is the perfect product for those looking for a high quality cigar cutter with a unique design.


The handle of the cigar cutter is made entirely of olive wood, a natural and resistant material that offers a comfortable grip. Olive wood is a material that has a long history of use, since ancient times. It is a resistant and durable material, and also has a beautiful grain that makes it elegant and refined.

taglia sigari artigianale sardo

The cigar cutter blade is made of MA5M-440 steel, a high-quality material that does not rust or blacken easily. The blade is sharp and resistant, and ensures a perfect and precise cut.


The cigar cutter comes with a double cigar size for cutting, to fit all types of cigars. The first size is ideal for Tuscan cigars, the second size is ideal for Caribbean cigars.


The different types of cigars

Cigars are divided into two broad categories: Tuscan cigars and Caribbean cigars.

Tuscan cigars are characterized by a strong and aromatic flavour. They are produced with tobacco grown in Italy, and have a characteristic truncated cone shape.

Caribbean cigars are characterized by a more delicate and fruity flavor. They are made from tobacco grown in the Caribbean, and have a longer, thinner shape.


How to cut a cigar

The cut of the cigar is important to get the most out of its flavor. A cut that is too deep can ruin the cigar, while a cut that is too shallow will not allow the smoke to come out properly.

The best way to cut a cigar is to use a sharp, durable cigar cutter. The Sardinian cigar cutter in olive wood by Coltelli Artigianali Manca is perfect for this purpose.



The Sardinian olive wood cigar cutter by Coltelli Artigianali Manca is the perfect product for those who love cigars. The olive wood handle offers a comfortable grip and the MA5M-440 steel blade ensures a perfect cut. The double size of cigars for cutting makes the cigar cutter suitable for all types of cigars.

What is your favorite type of cigar?

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